Welcome, WELBECK

The legacy of Welbeck, an ex-police horse retired to Redwings in 1990.


In late July, I discussed with Redwings a potential design. This was honed down into the exact pose and breed after I had presented images to match. I was thrilled when we immediately agreed on what we would like to achieve and which emotions we’d like to evoke in those who meet Welbeck’s sculpture.

We decided on a completely relaxed pose, as if Welbeck is taking a break from grazing to give a welcoming glance. His eyes calm and his face soft.

This effect was important to me for both the overall purpose of this sculpture and for my expectations of the legacy of such a wonderful horse. Anyone that has spent time with animals knows they’re individuals with large characters and losing them is always hard.

In 2011 my family and I made the decision to have our pony - Teddy (I know, I know, it was short for Theodore!) - put to sleep, due to a long ongoing battle with Laminitis as we couldn’t find him any long term relief or assure any quality of life. We’re currently very lucky to still have 5 others, ranging from 8 - 25+ years.

It’s with them all in mind that working with Redwings to offer a purposeful space to remember these animals, horses or otherwise, is so important to me. I hope visitors can recognise their previous animal-friends in this sculpture and reflect on them peacfully, maybe envisaging them along side Welbeck - I know I will be!


For any further information regarding Welbeck, the process or commissions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Many thanks to Matt East for transporting Welbeck for installation and for your ever professional service

Biggest Project Yet

A three month long project, full Reveal: 19th October

Firstly, I’m forever grateful for receiving the opportunity to create this piece and can barely contain my excitement for the project. On top of this, it’s a topic that has been important to me since I first saw one. It has been an absolute pleasure to create this sculpture and I hope its presence benefits those that require the support of the commissioner.

Initially a daunting challenge, once underway it really took off. Dare I say I’ve enjoyed every part of this piece (even the fiddly, scary bits!) and already have plans to apply focus to this area next year.

What am I talking about? Check out the progress below!

Please click on the above image to see the next in the sequence

  • The first image is the beginning of the design stage after discussing with my client what they’d like from the sculpture. Intent researching ensues for a suitable image to base the majority of the design on, including the internal frame (thank you Pro-Fab!). This also acts as my continual reference and helps me keep my proportions correct.

  • Once the frame is built and ready to go - using galvanised steel - I begin to shape the main muscle groups, flank, shoulders, rib cage, and give myself a general idea of where other joints (and the head!) will go.

  • Moving on further, I start focussing on and around muscle groups such as; the point of shoulder, gaskin, hock etc. Once density has increased, I finish with my 2mm wire and swap to 1.6mm to start finessing what will be the final layer. This smooths and ties together all the muscle groups and joints.

  • At this point I can get into tackling areas requiring more details, like the head. After marking eye features, “filling in” (increasing the surface density) can continue, as well as introducing a hammer. It’s with this that I refine the surface and add curves/ridges to accentuate or disolve shadows, depending on what’s needed.

  • In the final steps, the entire surface is gently hammered and checked for stray or sharp edges, final details - such as the mane and tail - are added and most importantly, Mum gives it a final look over.

5 Lola's

2 weeks until I install my series “Solace” within the grounds of Hoveton Hall, Norfolk.

Hoveton Hall’s gardens, along with the sculpture trail will begin June 2nd and remain there for the duration of summer. As with previous years, a variety of artists will be exhibiting their work, making full use of the space.

For more information on this event, click here.


I’ve had an amazing time testing myself for these pieces. Based on my very own spaniel, Lola, I’ve aimed to highlight and pay homage to her (very individual) character.

She emits enthusiasm and I wanted to succeed in recreating this as a basis for future commissions. Knowing how adored our canine families are, this experience has greatly increased my confidence in taking on personal projects.

"Engage With Sculpture"

Hoveton Hall’s 2019 Sculpture Trail

A series of Spaniels!

This 5 piece installation will capture the innocent contentment of a spaniel at play, modelled after my own rescue pup, Lola.

Lola - Launch

Lola - Launch

Lola - Scurry

Lola - Scurry

From one sculpture to the next, they will become less and less ‘finished’ to show the sculpting process and help the viewer see how they’re initially formed.

Lola - Land

Lola - Land

Because of this, only the first 3 pieces in the series will be for sale, at varying prices that reflect their level of finish. The incomplete pieces will be finished after the event has concluded and be available for purchase, or can be reserved before hand.

Each ‘Lola’ will depict a different motion on her journey to capture her ball, these will include; Launch, Land and Scurry.

The event, which lies in the always stunning ground of Hoveton Hall, will run Sunday - Friday throughout July, August and September and will showcase a variety of different artist’s work.


Where you can find my sculptures and when!

This year I will be rejoining the Hoveton Hall sculpture trail, ‘Engage With Sculpture’, which will begin on the 1st July and continue through the summer until the 30th September.

I will also be taking part in the Waveney Valley sculpture trail (this lasts from the 2nd August to the 8th September) and look forward to sharing very different installations at both.


At the Waveney trail in Raveningham, I will be installing a series of pieces encouraging empathy. Like all my current work, I enjoy creating a moment that I’d not necessarily be fortunate enough to see in day-to-day life and aim for them to kick start the audiences imagination.

I intend for all of my work to represent individuals and this will carry through to the exotic sculpture I have planned as my main piece for the Hoveton Hall trail.

Both events are very different, with very varied groups of artists again using very different mediums. The grounds of both sites are used differently so I’d advise visiting both if you have the option to as they are incomparable!

First commission of 2019 - Complete!


My first metaphysical-esque sculpture had a smooth installation this month, becoming my first completed commission of the year! Read more about the process of this piece here.

I am also pleased to continue working with the great artisan shop owners at Emma’s Court, Burnham Market, where I have 5 sculptures being exhibited.

In addition to this I’ll be returning to Hoveton Hall’s sculpture trail - ‘Engage With Sculpture’ - showcasing pieces that include everything I have learnt during the last year.

Norwich Castle Craft Fair

Tomorrow is our first FAIR!

Opens at 10am and admission to the craft fair is FREE

Norwich Castle isn’t too shabby an abode either, Deerdre is having a weekend away from the Fur And Feather for the sheer excitement of the event. Joining her will be Sigvard, Raffe and a whole host of copper additions I’ve been working on - my favourite is a battle between these Dinky-Deer and the single-line giraffes. I never realised how much I should have minimalist copper giraffes on my wall.

Anyway! I will be alongside lots of talented crafts people, personally I’ll be looking out for the pottery (but trying to resist taking it home).

My copper decorations will ALL be priced at 5 for 4 to help fill up your Christmas trees so come and see us all in the Rotunda!


Line Drawings and Wire Script

Where to find CA Sculpture on display at upcoming festivals and on the Norfolk Broads.

With the Laura I. Gallery Exhibition finished, ‘Rachael The Raffe’ is on her way back to me as I type, I will be taking her along to a Christmas market in Norwich where I will be showing a selection of pieces.

As I have been working on larger ideas, the hours in the day have been restricted for replenishing artworks available for purchase. So instead I have made a variety of miniature sculptures, wire line drawings and wire script, accepting commissions in these styles for a limited time only in preparation for the upcoming festival and Christmas period. After this I will return to designs for next years exhibitions.

P.S. Deerdre and The Eagle are now on display at The Fur and Feather Inn, Norfolk for a close up viewing!

Single line drawing

Stags, Pubs and Miniature Mounts

Deer Folk

My lifesize Cheetah is currently on pause while I build up a series for the upcoming festive period (too soon?).

My main sculpture for this is ‘STAG’, a near - lifesize mounted Stag head, who looks gorgeous with decoration (and without!) - I’ll be showing him off and adorning him with alternative colour schemes for festive inspiration.

Along side the Stag will be my Miniature Deer Folk, I’m in love with these little pieces as much as the larger sizes - They will be on the website and for sale soon. Upcoming events will see us at The Forum in Norwich just before Christmas so all my available pieces will be there for in-person viewing! (Event specifics will be announced closer to the time.)

Further adventures for Deerdre will include being displayed (next month) at The Fur And Feather Inn, where she will be a joining a secret sculpture I’ve had hidden.. An Eagle! I began this piece over a year ago, including different metals within the frame and leaving it to weather, causing some beautiful rusty claws to suit the menacing position of a hunting bird of prey.

‘Trojan’ and ‘Young Lab’ have been delivered to their new homes following the successful Hoveton Hall sculpture trail, leaving me with as many sold sculptures as for sale! So much time has gone into my new love of larger pieces that I haven’t had the chance to capture and present my recent pieces, but means I will have a full and refreshed page of available sculptures in the near future.

Edit: Very excited to say ‘Rachael The Raffe’ has been selected for the Laura I. Gallery exhibition, “I Am A Woman And This Is My Legacy”, she will be on display with 55 other artists during October!

Deerdre's Adventures and Upcoming Pieces

Hoveton Hall's sculpture trail was a brilliant event, lots of great feedback as well as meeting many other talented artists - I look forward to joining them again next year!

Deerdre especially has proven popular so she's now on an adventure around Norfolk, her first stop was Hickling Broad, she's soon off to Tunstead and to keep up with her, find us on Instagram @casculpture, or you can message me through the contact page.

I began a super exciting sculpture and definitely a first for me, of a life-size Cheetah! This is alongside a few other sculptures for show and exhibition opportunities. Below is one of my latest pieces - 


Sculpture Uncovered

Hoveton Hall's sculpture trail officially opens July 1st and will be open until the end of August.


    Deerdre was in her early stages of development when I contacted their trail organiser, apprehensive that I could convince them to exhibit her without knowing what she would look like when complete - I also wasn't sure I could even finish her in the time frame. 

But I did! Yesterday in fact, 10 hours before she was due for installation which left me with enough time to sleep and eat my weight in pasta. Deerdre, along with 5 other of my pieces are now scattered across Hoveton Hall Gardens in time for their Azaleas to bloom.

I had a brilliant time putting approximately 300 hours into one piece, frustrating at times but SO rewarding to see her placed in such grand surroundings, I couldn't have asked for a better opportunity to show her off.

So here she is, finally ready for your viewing pleasure!


The Run-Up To 'Sculpture Uncovered' At Hoveton Hall

   My first lifesize doe has the brilliant opportunity of joining other sculptures in the stunning grounds of Hoveton Hall Gardens

As well as the many other pieces of art that will be exhibiting, "Wilfred Wolf", the Bolting Hare, Trojan and the Young Lab will be hidden amongst the variety of landscapes within the gardens, such as - The Spider Garden, The Woodland Walk and the Glasshouse -  during the summer.

Most excitingly this will be Deerdre's debut, with 10 days until installation the final building up of form is underway. My hands are facing the wrath of tougher wire, but seeing Deerdre come together is more than worth it, and what better place to show her off everyone?!

Deerdre, The Life-size Doe

Here is our first look at Deerdre, she will be my first large sculpture thus far and I am LOVING her!

With the Norwich Shoe Factory gallery now finished and 3 sculptures in Norwich Gift Emporium's 'Curious Exhibition' (which is open for public vote!), I've now got time to continue working on Deerdre. With the beautiful weather too, I am so lucky to be able to work with the wire outdoors.

I'm going to keep track of the process to show how I will build her up, but the next image will be her finished self...



I'm very excited to be joining Norwich Gift Emporium's open exhibition that's taking place between the 4th - 18th April 2018. 

Their event is 'Wonderland' themed which means I get to put on my extra creative hat and come up with some new special sculptures. We can't ignore "Herbert" Hare for this one though, he will fit right in!

Below is also a sneak peak of one of the sculptures I'm making for this event, "Alice Gone Wild"... 


UNA Norwich Exhibition

How exciting! CA Sculpture's first exhibition has commenced today at the Norwich Shoe Factory.
Norwich Exhibition

Having discovered the open exhibition opportunity only a few weeks before it was due open to the public, it was somewhat of a rush to decide who was going to make the cut and how they were going to be presented.

I went with framing in elaborate gold with a white wooden box backing so they can be hung in the usual fashion, or removed from the frames for closer inspection. "Herbert" Hare and Human Skull have their own platforms so that viewers can see them from all angles. As this has been my first ever exhibition I was a little hesitant about the design choices I'd made for optimum display, but am pleased with how they look together and among other varied artworks. 

Giraffe has sold (yipee!), however I'm learning I may have to stop naming them. My personification of "Wilfred" Wolf and Trojan is making me reluctant of their sales. So, for sale to loving homes only!